Why Would People Lie About the Geography of the Earth?

Imagine we have a race. Let's say, the first one of us to reach London wins £10,000.

Now, if I have a map and you don't, I'm at a huge advantage. If you asked a betting person they'd certainly wager that the guy with the map would beat the guy without one.

(randomly generated AI maps,
for aesthetics only)

Next though, let's imagine it's slightly different. This time we both have maps. However ..mine is the correct map and yours is inaccurate. Now it's almost a guaranteed certainty that I'll win the race. As, assuming you're following the map, you'll be heading in the wrong direction.

Added to this, your misdirection and confusion will be compounded by the confidence you have in the map. So, if you just assume the map is 100% correct, you'll never begin to suspect that you've been deceived. "I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere," you'll think.

"I must not have read the map properly."

If, on the other hand, you have some suspicion or capacity to question the map itself, you might eventually realise that you need to ditch the map (that I've sneakily given you), and start working out where you are using your own intelligence.

So, why would people lie about the geography of the Earth?


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