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Troilus and Cressida

I've recently finished reading the Shakespeare play Troilus and Cressida . My thoughts: Firstly, it lacked a little bit of, ..well, poetry. It was one of these plays that didn't quite have the charm that more well-known plays such as The Tempest or Much Ado About Nothing , have. It didn't feel truly great. That said, as ever, it was very enjoyable. Likewise, partly due to the lack of poetic floweriness, it was very easy to follow. The text wasn't opaque, so it was an easy read. What mainly stood out to me was how the Trojans are portrayed more as the good guys (it's about the Trojan War - did I say that?). Hector is the noble hero. The Greeks are a bit sneaky. Though it's not especially imbalanced in its portrayal of the two camps. The relationship between Troilus and Cressida is a bit Romeo and Juliet, though here, the idealism of love is truly doused by Cressida's earthly betrayal. There's very much a, 'women are weak and will stray,' type vib...

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Tuned Out Of Tunings ..but I will tune back in though.